
Own-Your-Owns Built With Retirees in Mind

Regarding “Taking Back the Streets” by Karen E. Klein (July 7): Own-your-owns were not apartments converted to cooperatives but were built specifically for retiring adults who wanted to own their residence but not have grounds upkeep.

They are mostly in Long Beach and Pasadena, built between 1958 and 1962 when there were no condominium codes. They have their own deeds.

The developers did not envision many buyers would have cars, so few of them have garages or parking, and those garages were sold separately with their own deeds.


Bylaws of the time have items that do not conform to current laws on discrimination and thus are invalid but are a red flag to lenders. Most of these bylaws have since been changed, and many own-your-owns have been grandfathered into condominiums, although they do not have the amenities of current condominiums.


Long Beach
