
Davis’ Actions Left Out of Conspiracy Theory

Re “Lights Out on Bush’s Excuses,” Commentary, May 14: Robert Scheer continues to believe that a master conspiracy existed between President Bush and Enron to drive up the cost of energy to exorbitant rates for Californians. Never mind that this crisis developed before Bush took office.

Scheer also ignores the fact that Gov. Gray Davis refused to sign long-term contracts with energy companies when rates were reasonably low--he waited until they peaked, and the prices literally fell out within a couple of weeks of the signing, which ensures that Californians will be paying outrageous utility bills, in some cases, for the next 20 years. Davis took $119,500 in donations from Enron. I have drawn my conclusion as to who is in cahoots with whom.

Katherine Minsk

Los Angeles


Scheer’s column hits the nail on the head. We Californians will not forget the energy crisis of a year ago. When Gov. Davis asked for Bush’s help, we were told: You created your problems, now deal with it. Now we know Enron’s manipulation and fraudulent behavior helped create our crisis.


Bush’s link to his friend Kenneth Lay, Enron’s funding of his campaign and his thumbing the nose to California will not be forgotten. Come the next election, he and his cronies will not only be defeated in California but humiliated.

Joan Kerr

