
Reforming the Corrupt Palestinian Authority

Finally, Yasser Arafat called for a complete overhaul of the Palestinian Authority at some indefinite time in the future (May 16). Moderate Palestinians have been trying unsuccessfully to accomplish reform for years. Israel has said that it cannot make peace with an uncontrolled dictatorship on its borders. If Ariel Sharon accomplished anything by Operation Defensive Shield, it was to force a corrupt Palestinian leadership, for the first time, to face its own failures and seek change for the good.

For this the U.N. condemned Israel. How ironic.

Gary Dalin



Avi Davis’ racist and arrogant comments on Palestinian statehood (Commentary, May 14) deserve airing in a publication such as The Times if for no other reason than to reassure those of us in the moderate center of the justness and compassion of our views.

According to his “test” for statehood, the majority of nations in Africa, Southeast Asia and Latin America ought to still be under colonized rule and under the paternal tutelage of the highly civilized Western nations, which have, of course, displayed an exemplary record on human rights, nonviolence and nonthreatening behavior toward their neighbors ... well, except for those two pesky little wars last century.


Mauricio Bejarano

Los Angeles


Davis’ column is the most arrogant and self-righteous article I have ever read.

Marcy Sacks

