
Infertility Brings On a Unique Kind of Grief

Re: “Late-Late Motherhood” (April 29), thank you for your excellent coverage of the often-ignored emotional and physical life crisis of infertility.

There is one thing that you left out of your discussion, however, that young women counting on technology to enhance their fertility need to know. Not only is infertility treatment financially and emotionally draining, but when you consider the option of egg donation (which all the mothers in your article must have used to get pregnant), you must also deal with the grief of knowing that you will never have a child who is your genetic offspring.

Infertility and infertility treatments are not fun. Do all you can when you are young to preserve your fertility. Talk to your doctor as soon as you suspect a problem. For in this case, time is money as well as something else indefinable that you can never recapture.



Redondo Beach
