
Vote Knowledgeably on Judicial Officers

My colleagues and I share the concern expressed by your letter writers (Oct. 16) about information available on judicial officers who appear on the November ballot. The administrative office of the courts has established a Web site that contains biographies of each of the justices as well as access to recent Supreme Court and Court of Appeal opinions at /courts/courtsofappeal/2nd District/justices.htm. Our hearings, conducted on the third floor of the Ronald Reagan State Building, 300 S. Spring St. in L.A., are open to the public.

We have seven divisions in Los Angeles, each of which hears approximately 50 cases each month. Our calendars are available on the Web site or from the clerk of the court. Our opinions are published in hard copy by West Publishing Co. in its California Reporter series and in the Official California Reports and online through services such as Westlaw and Lexis. We are also available to speak to classes at high schools and colleges, at bar association functions and before service groups.

Gary Hastings

Associate Justice

2nd District, Division 4
