
Reduce tension at your desk

Karen Voight can be reached at [email protected].

If you sometimes sit for prolonged periods of time, this move will help you stretch your chest muscles while releasing tension in your neck and shoulders. Do this exercise several times during the day, and it should help reduce the likelihood of developing a rounded posture.

1 Sit on the front edge of a chair, and place your feet directly below your knees. Sit up tall, with your arms resting at your sides.

2 Leaning slightly forward, reach your arms behind you and grasp the back of the chair. Take a deep breath and on an exhale relax your shoulders away from your ears as you lift your chest up, pressing it slightly forward.


Hold for 20 seconds while breathing fully. When finished with the stretch, release your arms, but try to maintain a straight back and relaxed shoulders throughout the day.


-- Karen Voight
