
Readers recommend

Maine: Island inn

Hodgdon Island Inn, Barters Island Road, Box 492, Boothbay, ME 04571, (207) 633-7474, “Wonderful B&B; is perfect for fall foliage trips to the East Coast. Our balcony room overlooked a small inlet where sailboats were moored, providing us with picturesque sunsets. Breakfasts were a gourmet delight.” Double rooms from $105.

Kristine M. Mackey


Tahiti: Moorea hotel

Hotel Les Tipaniers, BP 1002, Haapiti, Moorea, French Polynesia; (689) 561-267, “Friendly, small French hotel feels like a throwback to small American resort hotels of the ‘40s and ‘50s. Sandy white beach fronts a lagoon with water so clear you can see dozens of tropical fish just by wading in. Simple rooms. Free outriggers, bicycles, Ping-Pong; snorkels available. Food at the hotel restaurant is better than at many stateside French bistros.” Double rooms start at $70.

Carol Schroerluke

Santa Monica

Send recommendations to “Readers Recommend”/Travel, L.A. Times, 202 W. 1st St., Los Angeles, CA 90012; fax (213) 237-7355, e-mail travel@la

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