
Debate continues

I truly enjoyed Richard Stayton’s article regarding the new play “Embedded.” I certainly will plan on seeing it, not just because I have vigorously opposed the war in Iraq but also because I admire Tim Robbins’ talent and his tenacity regarding this unnecessary war. It is refreshing indeed to have a man of his caliber express his opinions through his craft.

He makes a valid statement in the closing paragraph of your article, i.e. that the Republicans really have it all and yet are not content. Mr. Robbins asks why they are so concerned about what a couple of actors have to say. Well, my answer to that question is that they want to stifle all dissent and what better place to start than in the theater through artistic expression because of the potential audiences it can reach. I clearly remember the McCarthy era and those zealots’ relentless pursuit of the screenwriters. This is why it is so important for each of us to stand up and state our opinions, no matter how politically incorrect they may appear.

Edna M. Tobias

Hermosa Beach


Reading Richard Stayton’s puff piece on Tim Robbins left me needing a dose of insulin. Robbins is described by the fevered Stayton more as a candidate for papal beatification than a performer.


Stayton informs us that Robbins wrote this play as a response to personal attacks by unnamed right-wing types. Had Stayton been remotely evenhanded, these unsubstantiated charges might seem factual; but for the sake of argument, let’s accept them as wholly authentic and put this question to Mr. Robbins: Who in your mind is the greater threat to the safety of our children -- the terrorist scum and their ilk who on Nov. 15 killed 20 and injured over 300 innocents at synagogue bombings in Istanbul, the conservative right or yourself and fellow “peace at any price” one-world activists?

Stuart Weiss

Beverly Hills
