

*--* No Team (Rec.) Comment 1 MIAMI (3-0) Logan Airport transportation this week provided by “Doug Flutie Limo.” 2 OKLAHOMA (3-0) No truth Sooner staff fell asleep watching UCLA-Illinois game highlights 3 USC (3-0) Trojans plan to spend off weekend watching No. 1 Oklahoma vs. opponent 4 MICHIGAN (3-0) Coach tells players to leave bread crumbs to find way back from Eugene 5 KANSAS STATE (4-0) Rankman wonders how school gets to play nine out of 13 games in Kansas 6 OHIO STATE (3-0) Wallendas call to see if team wants to join famous family’s high-wire act 7 VIRGINIA TECH (2-0) Team braces for Hurricane Isabel and Hurricane Lee Corso 8 TENNESSEE (2-0) Looked sloppy in two wins; will need shirts tucked in against Florida 9 GEORGIA (3-0) Has won three in a row against LSU but this is no time for the defense to rest 10 PITTSBURGH (2-0) Twenty-two consecutive victories against MAC schools and Toledo on tap 11 FLORIDA STATE (3-0) Bowden says tough victory over Georgia Tech can’t really age him that much more 12 LOUISIANA STATE (3-0) Vicki Lawrence on standby to sing, “The Night the Lights Went Out on Georgia.” 13 IOWA (3-0) Team hasn’t forgotten bitter 1997 Sun Bowl loss to Arizona State. OK, it has 14 ARKANSAS (2-0) This week the Hogs take on the tougher Texas North 15 WASHINGTON (1-1) Otherwise known in Columbus as the easiest victory on Ohio State’s schedule 16 TEXAS (1-1) Media threatens player boycott should Longhorns lose this week to Rice 17 ARIZONA STATE (2-0) 2-0 Andrew Walter hopes to kick off Heisman campaign at Iowa caucus 18 NEBRASKA (3-0) Fans stagger out of shelters upon hearing school is playing football again 19 FLORIDA (2-1) Zook trades Spurrier passing game for new Fun N’ Run ground attack 20 ALABAMA (2-1) Shula growing up so fast on the job he bumps head on crossbar 21 WASHINGTON STATE (2-1) Request denied to play second half of Notre Dame game over again 22 OREGON (3-0) B-movie producer asks to use extra Oregon jerseys for his next sci-fi flick 23 TEXAS CHRISTIAN (2-0) Horned Frogs could be in trouble without Gunn at QB and Madison at RB 24 TEXAS A&M; (2-0) Isabel may force team into “windshield wiper offense” vs. Virginia Tech 25 BOWLING GREEN (3-0) Rankman seeks to champion cause of another non-BCS “little guy.”

