
Movie attendance

I have all the answers to the questions perplexing movie studios [“ ‘Kong’ Is King, but of a Realm in Decline,” by John Horn, Dec. 19].

First, just because Peter Jackson’s been obsessed with “King Kong” all these years doesn’t mean any of the rest of us have been. I could not be less interested in seeing the remake; I thought the original was boring when I was a kid, so why would I fork over $10 to see an even longer version as an adult?

Second, heads up: Sequels and adaptations are far more attractive than remakes. Because they’re new.


And the reason I don’t go to the theater once a week anymore? Tickets are too expensive. Duh.




IS anyone besides me sick of reading about movie theaters whining about slowing ticket sales? This isn’t rocket science, folks. The greatest advance in the movie theater experience in 100 years is “stadium seating.” Woo hoo!

Now, with home theater technology coming of age, theater owners will finally be getting their just rewards. Will anyone miss the permeating stench of that alleged “butter” smell that always accompanies the movie-viewing experience?



Long Beach
