
Public is engaged in Santa Monica project

As a Santa Monica City Council member, an architect and a participant in the workshops facilitated by Moore, Iacofano, Goltsman Inc. (MIG), I am compelled to respond to the July 19 story -- “Should This Place Be the Next Big Thing?” -- which limits coverage to the reactions of a participant who clearly misunderstood what was going on. I was there: We were not pressured to add density. The only “pressure” was to be creative and think freely in redesigning Santa Monica Place.

More than 400 residents participated, 2,000-plus registered preferences by mail, hundreds more answered a public opinion survey. Meetings were held with key business and civic organizations throughout Santa Monica.

The MIG report reflects the desires of the City Council, the planning commission, [shopping center owner] Macerich Co. and, importantly, the roughly 3,000 residents who have participated. Whatever project proposal emerges from this process will reflect the interests of Santa Monica’s diverse stakeholders better and more truly than any project in city history. Then it will advance or fall on its merits. Publicly, transparently, honestly.


Herb Katz

Santa Monica
