
Two Candidates, Lots of Opinions

Re “Villaraigosa Puts Mayor on Defensive,” March 14: It is disappointing that Mayor James Hahn is preparing us for more mudslinging in the mayoral campaign. His remark that “campaigning is not for the timid” suggests there is something courageous about smearing a political opponent. Negative campaigning has been a fixture of American politics since our Colonial days, but ubiquity does not make it brave or honorable. Smearing the opponent only ducks the issues that truly concern us.

Hahn has a record he could stand on, celebrating his achievements and setting out a clear vision for his second term; he could rebut his opponent’s criticism and speak bluntly about issues rather than personalities.

Running a clean, honest, professional campaign is the braver choice: It requires courage and integrity, the characteristics of a good leader.


Algernon D’Ammassa

Los Angeles

Re “Schools and the Mayor Can Mix,” editorial, March 13: You got it right in that the mayor ought to “use his bully pulpit to prod businesses, churches, community groups and city agencies to ... sponsor schools and mentor kids.”

God knows this city needs the help. We need more community activism, less finger-pointing or finger-waving to find out which way the wind is blowing.

To digressively attack the usual target by saying the teachers union has “been happy to operate out of the public glare” is ludicrous.


For years, as a parent and a practicing lawyer, I had swallowed the usual baloney about so-called cynical teachers who ruin our public schools, until I thought I could show these teachers how it could be done right. I changed careers and suffered a rude awakening.

What I found instead was little to motivate the hardworking teachers who volunteer endless unpaid hours to motivate our challenged students, except the intrinsic gratification of affecting one student at a time. It’s time the community modeled the civic responsibility lesson that our teachers demonstrate daily.

Malka Tasoff


Los Angeles County Supervisor Yvonne Brathwaite Burke trying to get voters to support Councilman Antonio Villaraigosa for mayor through her endorsement (March 12) is like my personal physician giving me a referral for healthcare to King/Drew Medical Center; I won’t do it, and I’d be switching physicians!


Louis Jacinto

Los Angeles

Re “Potholes Puncture Hahn’s Pledge,” Steve Lopez column, March 13: Considering the pledge to fix potholes in 24 hours comes straight from our very own beacon of responsibility, James Hahn, I’m surprised that the number of potholes fixed was so high (one of out 10). Hahn’s lack of pretense in light of the upcoming election is shocking, however, seeing as he has made a career winning elections by persuading voters he’s made substantial accomplishments. Thanks again, Mr. Mayor.

Michael Linares


If the mayor is going to fix the schools, will Los Angeles Unified School District Supt. Roy Romer please fix the traffic.

Joy Picus

Woodland Hills
