Seeking the Truth About 9/11
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Thanks for the interview with author David Ray Griffin (“Getting Agnostic About 9/11,” by Mark Ehrman, Metropolis, Aug. 28). I have noticed that serious consideration of the 9/11 issue produces a certain cognitive dissonance. Efforts to dismiss or answer the questions raised by Griffin are like fingers in a dike. The number of contradictions in the official version of what happened on 9/11 is so overwhelming that one soon realizes it simply cannot be believed. Yet at the same time, the official version cannot be abandoned because the implication of rejecting it is far too disturbing: that we are subject to a government conspiracy of “X-Files” proportions and insidiousness.
William Yarchin
Huntington Beach
I would expect to find this article in the National Enquirer. When did Griffin get his engineering degree? He talks with authority about the mechanics of the World Trade Center towers’ collapse and implies that the government was involved. What laws of physics were violated?
I am old enough to remember all the conspiracy theories concerning Pearl Harbor. The fact remains that many mistakes were made then and on 9/11, but there’s no proof of any conspiracy. I can search the Internet and find alleged proof that we never landed on the moon, that seven of the 9/11 hijackers are alive, that the Earth is flat and so on.
Mario Bonura
Santa Ana
I commend you for publishing this article. It is rare that a mainstream publication takes the risk of lending credibility to what most would say is nothing but a conspiracy theory. Writer Mark Ehrman did it in a fair and evenhanded manner.
Dwain Deets
My brother-in-law was killed in the World Trade Center attacks. What I would like to know from Griffin is, what is my family supposed to do with the information he has gathered in his book? If there is an enemy with a real face, and it is not Osama bin Laden, then who is it? Along with the family members of the other victims, I’m waiting for his answer.
Bettina Moss
Los Angeles