
This promo has pluck on ice

Capturing attention in a stunt-filled media world isn’t easy. Thus, swag: eye-catching items that pit promoters’ imaginations against seen-it-all recipients. This week’s winner: “probably one of the most unique promo items ever to promote a film,” at least so says the release.

The package: A nondescript plastic foam cooler preceded by a note advising recipients to be sure to use gloves when handling the dry ice packets inside.

The item itself: “An actual ICE SCULPTURE,” promises the publicist’s note, though the cooler-side unveiling reveals the sculptor to be something of a cubist. Inside the non-swan, visible as the surface frost recedes, a copy of “Ice Harvest,” the John Cusack-Billy Bob Thornton comedy now entering its DVD incarnation. Chiseled in, tombstone-like (but for the ad splash of “On DVD”), are title and release date.


The mood: Cool? Merely messy? We couldn’t pin it down.

The question: Were we supposed to blowtorch the thing to get to the DVD? Chip it into party ice? We weren’t sure. But points for the amusement factor.
