
A wartime heroine

IT was mostly memory that put me into a seat for “Mrs. Henderson Presents,” and memory was well served [“The Actors in Their Own Words: Judi Dench,” by John Horn, March 5]. This film is terrific, and Judi Dench in the title role gives a performance equal to or better than I’ve seen in my 80 years of film viewing.

In wartime years, every soldier and sailor stationed in or visiting London felt it a duty to check out Mrs. Henderson’s Windmill Theatre. I did my duty.

Nostalgia? Of course, there’s some nostalgia for youth and pleasure, but it isn’t nostalgia that makes me think of damnation and faint praise. Academy honors were scarce, and that baffles me.


What really distresses me is that only the alert searchers get the pleasurable two hours that come with the rare excellence of “Mrs. Henderson Presents” and the unforgettable performance of Judi Dench.


San Diego
