
Tax hikes would give some an easy way out

Re “Bush’s Tax Cuts Far Outweigh Congressional Pork,” column, May 14

Ronald Brownstein suggests that anti-pork politicians such as myself are missing the point when we criticize earmarks yet vote to extend President Bush’s tax cuts. Brownstein seems to suggest that we need to be more committed to solving the problem of under-taxation; I think it is immoral to confiscate more taxpayer money when congressional spending and earmarking are at all-time highs.

Members of Congress who are otherwise fiscally conservative routinely vote for bloated spending bills to protect their earmarks. Congress will never say “yes” to real spending cuts when it can’t say “no” to earmarks. Fiscal sanity means living within one’s means and making hard choices between competing priorities. Too many politicians believe they can avoid such choices. Raising taxes would give these politicians yet another easy way out.


