
Backbends for the spine and beyond

Gentle backbends can help develop balance and strength in the spine -- and flexibility in your shoulders, chest and abdomen. If you are new to yoga, this traditional camel-pose posture can be easily modified using a set of yoga blocks to support you. If you have a sensitive neck, keep looking forward without letting your head drop back in the final position.

Karen Voight


1 Kneel on a padded surface or use a yoga mat. Begin with your torso in an upright position, knees and feet hips-width apart and thighs perpendicular to the floor. Place a yoga block in the tallest position, next to each ankle. Place your hands on your hips and let your shoulders drop down away from your ears. Inhale and feel “a sense of fullness” across your chest and upper back.

2 Exhale and slowly take your head back. Place your hands on top of the yoga blocks. Gently press the tops of your feet into the floor, lift your chest and stretch your abdomen. As you exhale, lengthen the front of your body. Hold for three to four breaths. Slowly return to upright position.



Karen Voight can be reached at [email protected].
