
Biologist should be lauded, not prosecuted

Re “Biologist Bushwhacks His Way to Court,” Oct. 11

Roy van de Hoek’s attorney asks an excellent question: Why prosecute a man who is working to restore California’s disappearing natural heritage in light of the many other challenges that face our city?

John Muir wrote of walking across a carpet of wildflowers from Contra Costa County in Northern California to the Sierra. Where are they today? The health of the ocean begins in the nurseries that are our wetlands. Many believe that landscaping with native species not only uses less water but also begins a process of rebuilding a habitat mosaic for disappearing animal species. Let us join in preserving the few remaining natural spaces by eradicating intrusive plants and extending this work to highway rights-of-way, publicly owned properties and to our homes. Van de Hoek deserves commendation, not prosecution.


San Diego


I am writing to compliment Los Angeles City Atty. Rocky Delgadillo on his incredible accomplishment -- he has obviously stopped gang-bangers, drug pushers, terrorists, bank robbers and child molesters throughout Los Angeles. How else would he find the time to prosecute a great environmentalist like Van de Hoek for pruning invasive weeds?



Director, Ocean Outfall Group

Huntington Beach
