

Eric Bana plays a mean air guitar. He looks awfully good in leather too. But where Bana really rocks is on the motocross track or in the garage, messing around with vintage motorcycles and automobiles, like the 1974 Ford GT Falcon that he just finished restoring. Oh, and in front of the camera. The 38-year-old actor (who, for the record, likes Powderfinger, Foo Fighters, Jet and Pearl Jam) was an American soldier in “Black Hawk Down,” a scientist with a temper in “Hulk,” a Trojan warrior in “Troy” and a Mossad agent in “Munich.” In the upcoming “Lucky You,” with Drew Barrrymore and Robert Duvall, Bana is a professional poker player. And in “The Other Boleyn Girl,” now filming in London, he plays Henry VIII opposite Scarlett Johansson and Natalie Portman. For that role he’s most likely decked out in leggings and other Tudor garb, but for us he donned clothes with an edge from the 2006 fall collections: dark colors, military jackets, a little leather and a lot of rock ‘n’ roll.
