
Water pressures

Re “L.A. trickle-down theory,” editorial, Aug. 13

It is interesting to know that L.A.’s mayor is extravagantly wasting water, but this fact is not very important insofar as water is concerned. What is important is the amount of water the projects supported by the mayor will require. For instance, how much water will the proposed Grand Avenue project require? Is the available water supply able to provide this water, or will there be the need for an increase in the supply? If an increase is needed, who will pay for that, the developers or the ratepayers and taxpayers? If it’s the ratepayers and taxpayers, they will start seriously opposing a lot of developments that the city wants without regard to the water supply. The Times should be talking about this.

Further, I haven’t noticed this mayor (or anyone else) saying anything about the effect the Grand Avenue project will have on the Harbor Freeway and the interchange. Both are already jammed much of the day. Given the high-rise buildings that practically touch the freeway, it or the interchange cannot be widened. The Grand Avenue project, like most development, will considerably increase congestion. The Times really needs to start talking about this too.

Stanton J. Price


We can partially solve our water shortage with one swift move: Make apartment tenants pay for their water. As it stands today, about 60% of L.A.’s population does not pay for its own water. There would be a lot of shorter showers and far fewer flushes if tenants had to pay for their own water.


Because the L.A. Department of Water and Power will not sub-meter buildings, and it is too expensive for landlords under rent control to do it themselves, owners need the L.A. City Council to approve a ratio utility billing system so that they may charge tenants for the water they use. I hope members of the L.A City Council will find this idea intriguing for conservation’s sake. Could an idea so rational, fair and environmentally savvy actually be acceptable to our tenant-minded Housing Department and City Council? We’ll see.

Jim Clarke


Government Relations

Apartment Assn. of

Greater Los Angeles
