
Weekend box office

Industry totals

Note: A movie may be shown on more than one screen at each venue.

Source: Media by Numbers

*--* -- Movie 5-day gross Total Venues Average Weeks -- (studio) (millions) (millions) --- per venue --- 1 Natnl Treasure: $65.4 $65.4 3,832 $17,078 1 -- Book of --- --- --- --- --- Secrets (Disney) 2 I Am Legend 47.7 151.0 3,620 13,173 2 (Warner Bros.) 3 Alvin and the 38.6 94.5 3,499 11,034 2 Chipmunks (Fox) 4 Charlie 16.0 16.0 2,575 6,195 1 Wilson’s War (Universal) 5 Sweeney Todd 13.6 13.6 1,249 10,917 1 (DreamWorks/Pa ramount) 6 P.S. I Love 10.0 10.0 2,454 4,095 1 You (Warner Bros.) 7 Aliens vs. 9.5 (1 day) 9.5 2,563 3,713 1 Predator -- Requiem (Fox) 8 The Golden 6.9 51.4 2,953 2,347 3 Compass (New Line) 9 Juno (Fox 6.8 9.8 305 22,352 3 Searchlight) 10 Walk Hard 6.3 6.3 2,650 2,361 1 (Sony/Columbia ) *--*

*--* 3-day gross Change Year-to-date gross Change (in millions) from 2006 (in billions) from 2006 $160 +34% $9.3 +3.9% *--*

Los Angeles Times
