
Ranking the top 100

These tables show 2006 compensation for chief executives of California’s 100 largest public companies. The CEOs are ranked by total pay, which consists of cash pay (including salary and bonus), stock, stock options and other pay, which can include deferred compensation and such items as company-paid life insurance and the cost of an executive’s personal trips on the corporate jet. The figures do not include deferred compensation cashed out in 2006 or profits from stock options exercised during the year because those things are considered to be pay from previous years. For companies with more than one CEO in 2006, the executive who was in that position for the longest part of the year is listed. The pay figures were compiled for The Times by from regulatory filings. The Times calculated the numbers in the last two columns of each table, which show each executive’s pay as a percentage of the company’s net income and the theoretical hit of that pay to the company’s share price. The latter was calculated by multiplying the percentage of profit by the company’s May 31 stock price.

[Table text not included here]

