
Support for the LAPD

Re “Bratton reassigns 2 LAPD leaders,” May 8

It is deplorable that attention-starved media outlets and opportunistic politicians and pundits will simply not rest until scapegoats are singled out and punished in the wake of the biggest nonstory of the year, the immigration rally at MacArthur Park. This story is man bites dog at its finest -- a waste of ink even on a slow day. I can only imagine the heat the Los Angeles Police Department would be under if it had not acted swiftly and decisively and innocent people were seriously injured by projectile-throwing agitators. Fortunately for all of us, that did not happen. My hat is off to you, LAPD.


Los Angeles


Re “A contrite mayor goes to the park,” May 7

I have three issues regarding the May Day demonstration and the LAPD. The first is, why do we always blame the police for what happens at these events? When was the last time anything of this nature happened in which the participants were blamed instead of the police? Does anyone believe that the police started throwing rocks and bottles?

The second issue is Police Chief William J. Bratton, who was quick to criticize the officers’ actions. Where was he? He seems to be absent from his job quite frequently. Now he wants to criticize everyone else before any investigation is begun.


The third issue is Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa. Like Bratton, he chose to rush to judgment and make negative statements about the police officers’ actions before any investigation began.

If we continue to treat cops like second-class citizens, nobody will want the job.


West Hills


Media reports say that during the May 1 melee at MacArthur Park, about 600 police officers, including 100 from the Metro Division, fired more than 148 rubber bullets and beat demonstrators and members of the media with batons, saying, “Double time, it’s tussle time” -- but made no arrests. The mayor at a news conference said that every police officer involved in the melee would have to answer for his or her conduct. It would be helpful if the inquiries were televised so that the citizens of Southern California could see and hear officers’ answers on camera.


Beverly Hills


Villaraigosa’s trip to reassure people in the MacArthur Park area that the park is safe was insultingly blatant politics. People in that park knew they were in no danger -- that’s why he found them there, not down the street. Three years ago, it was unsafe, and he would not have found anyone there but illegal immigrant gang members and thugs. What changed? The LAPD cleaned it up, earning high praise from the community -- the same LAPD he instantly throws under the bus for political gain.





Re “Mayor promises action against abusive officers,” May 6

In his speech to parishioners regarding police actions at the MacArthur Park immigrant rally, Villaraigosa said that “not even police are above the law.” So, in Los Angeles, police are held accountable to the law but illegal immigrants are not. Instead, they get support in breaking the law from the mayor and Cardinal Roger M. Mahony. And of course from the editorial board of The Times.


