
Pry phones from hands of drivers

Re “Bill: No cell use by teen drivers,” Aug. 28

I hope Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger signs the proposed bill prohibiting cellphone use by teenage drivers. I disagree with Arian Moreh, who admits that he has texted while driving. “As long as I’m being safe, it doesn’t matter,” he states. He is dangerously wrong. A distracted driver is as perilous as a drunk driver. I was a victim of a 17-year-old driver who was smoking marijuana. He rammed my car, spinning it into oncoming traffic. We were hit head-on. That one act by a distracted teen left four of us badly injured -- myself, my two babies and the other driver. Trust me, it really does matter.

Wendy A. Robinson


This article states that “teenagers make up 6% of the licensed drivers but 16% of auto accident fatalities.” Why not ban the use of cellphones (unless hands-free), pagers, text-messaging devices and laptops by all licensed drivers to try to prevent the other 84% of fatalities?

Roberta Schiller

Los Angeles

Next July 1, a new law requiring hands-free phones while driving becomes effective. My only hope is that drivers, with that free hand, will rediscover the long-lost turn signal lever.


Ramon Angeloni

Los Angeles
