
New UC chief will start in June

The next president of the University of California will be showing up for work earlier than expected. When he was hired last week by UC regents, Mark G. Yudof said he expected to leave his current post as chancellor of the University of Texas system and start at the UC office in Oakland by summer’s end. But on Thursday, Yudof said he will take over at UC on June 16.

Part of the reason is that the University of Texas acted swiftly to name Kenneth I. Shine as Yudof’s interim replacement.

Yudof said he was eager to get started, even though he was walking into a state budget crisis that may lead to higher student fees and cutbacks in some areas. “I have a lot energy and I’m feeling enthused,” he said.


Yudof is replacing Robert C. Dynes, who headed the 10-campus UC system for nearly five years.


-- Larry Gordon
