
Can McCain do the job?

Re “McCain’s disability pension may renew questions about his fitness,” April 22

Sen. John McCain was shot down over Vietnam and suffered more than five years in a prison camp.

I doubt that anyone questions the fact that his disability pension from the Navy is well deserved.

As to whether any disabilities suffered as a result of those events would have any effect on his or anyone else’s ability to serve as president, I’d like to remind The Times that Franklin D. Roosevelt’s significant disabilities did not affect his ability to successfully lead this country through some of our most tumultuous times and be remembered as one of our greatest presidents.


Anthony Filosa

Los Angeles


To be disabled or not to be disabled -- is that the question? Whether to claim how thoroughly you were rehabilitated or take a tax-free $58,358 disability payment from the government, there’s the rub.

I hope McCain is donating that money to the disabled veterans who were not able to put their lives back together. That money might help a couple of homeless veterans.

Barbara Hubbs

Long Beach


Regarding Pentagon tax advisor Robert Schriebman’s comments concerning McCain’s physical fitness: First he suggests that McCain may be too disabled to serve, but then he suggests that McCain is too fit to be receiving disability payments. Which is it? You can’t have it both ways.


Jim Shade

West Covina
