
Jamie’s choice

Should the Dodgers build youth baseball fields instead of signing top-ranked players? If so, should the networks and movie theaters book second-rate shows, and give the money they save to schools? Or should the studios sign unknown actors instead of stars, and give the difference in pay to build hospitals? Or wait -- maybe the schools can hire inexperienced teachers, and the hospitals use only interns, and give the money they save to -- the Dodgers -- to sign Manny Ramirez!

Please tell the McCourts that charity means spending your own money, not the people’s entertainment dollar.

James Kosnett

Los Angeles


With the McCourt conundrum of whether to pay players or build youth baseball fields I think I’ve decided to put my money on Frank and Jamie and stop going to see the Dodgers next year. I’ve decided to spend my money attending Little League games. If nothing else I won’t be disappointed by false expectations, and the food will be a lot better.


Rich Sperber

Woodland Hills


Say what you like about the McCourts, but at least they are public in their opinions about the Dodgers and passionate about charitable donations. Contrast that to someone such as Phil Anschutz, who treats a microphone like plutonium, and spends whatever money is earmarked to improve the Kings on projects like L.A. Live that benefit only AEG.

Which owner would you rather have?

Andrea LaCroix

