
It is too on the map

GEOFF BOUCHER wrote [in his article on the upcoming film “Iron Man”], “You can’t find Metropolis on a real U.S. map, but if you did, it’s a sure bet that its harbor would sit on the Atlantic” [“A Hometown Hero,” Jan. 13].

But Mr. Boucher, there is a Metropolis, Ill. And yes, we are on the map. And yes, we are the official hometown of Superman. Each year, during June, we host a “Superman Celebration.”

We are a small community of 6,500 great community-minded people. Our harbor is located on the Ohio River.


We’d love for you to come and visit our town any time.

Deneal Bullock

Metropolis, Ill.

Bullock is an administrative assistant in the mayor’s office of Metropolis.
