


Age: 60

Born: Oct. 26, 1947, Chicago

Hillary Rodham Clinton

Career: U.S. senator from New York, 2001-present; first lady of the United States, 1993-2001; first lady of Arkansas, 1979-1981, 1983-1993; partner, Rose Law Firm, Little Rock, Ark., 1977-92; assistant professor, University of Arkansas Law School, 1974-77, 1979-80; counsel, U.S. House of Representatives, Judiciary Committee, 1974; attorney, Children’s Defense Fund, 1973-74

Education: bachelor’s degree, Wellesley College, 1969; law degree, Yale University, 1973

Family: husband, Bill; daughter, Chelsea



John Edwards

Name: Age: 54

Born: June 10, 1953, Seneca, S.C.

Career: attorney, 1977-98; U.S. senator from North Carolina, 1999-2005; unsuccessful candidate for 2004 Democratic presidential nomination; 2004 Democratic vice presidential nominee

Education: bachelor’s degree, North Carolina State University, 1974; law degree, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1977


Family: wife, Elizabeth; children, Cate, Emma Claire, Jack, Wade (deceased)



Mike Gravel

Age: 77

Born: May 13, 1930; Springfield, Mass.

Career: founder, president, the Democracy Foundation, 1989; U.S. senator from Alaska, 1969-1981; speaker, Alaska House of Representatives, 1965-66; member, Alaska House of Representatives, 1962-66

Education: bachelor’s degree, Columbia University, 1956

Family: wife, Whitney; children, Martin and Lynne; divorced once



Dennis Kucinich

Age: 61

Born: Oct. 8, 1946; Cleveland

Career: U.S. representative from Ohio, 1997-present; Ohio state senator, 1994-1996; consultant, 1986-94; lecturer, 1980-83; mayor, Cleveland, 1977-79; clerk, Cleveland Municipal Courts, 1976-77; city councilman, Cleveland, 1970-75, 1981-82

Education: bachelor’s degree, 1973, master’s degree, 1974, Case Western Reserve University

Family: wife, Elizabeth; daughter, Jacqueline; divorced twice



Barack Obama

Age: 46

Born: Aug. 4, 1961; Honolulu

Career: U.S. senator from Illinois, 2005-present; Illinois state senator, 1997-2004; practicing attorney, 1993-2005; senior lecturer, University of Chicago Law School, 1993-2004; executive director, Project Vote, Illinois, 1992; director, Developing Communities Project, 1985-88


Education: student, Occidental College, Los Angeles, 1979-81; bachelor’s degree, Columbia University, 1983; law degree, Harvard University, 1991

Family: wife, Michelle; daughters, Malia, Sasha




Rudolph W. Giuliani

Age: 63

Born: May 28, 1944; Brooklyn, N.Y.

Career: partner, Bracewell & Giuliani, 2005-present; Giuliani Partners, 2002- present; CEO, Giuliani Capital Advisors, 2004-07; mayor, New York, 1994- 2001; private legal practice, 1989-93, 1977-81; U.S. attorney, 1983-89; associate U.S. attorney general, 1981-83; associate deputy U.S. attorney general, 1975-77; executive assistant U.S. attorney, 1973-75; assistant U.S. attorney, 1970-73

Education: bachelor’s degree, Manhattan College, 1965; law degree, New York University, 1968


Family: wife, Judith; children, Andrew, Caroline; divorced once; annulled once



Mike Huckabee

Age: 52

Born: Aug. 24, 1955; Hope, Ark.

Career: governor, Arkansas, 1996-2007; lieutenant governor, Arkansas, 1993-96; president, Cambridge Communications, 1992- 96; president, KBSC-TV, 1987-1992; Baptist minister, 1980-92, 1974-75

Education: bachelor’s degree, Ouachita Baptist University, 1976; postgraduate work, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, 1976-77; ordained to ministry, 1974

Family: wife, Janet; children, John, David, Sarah



Alan Keyes

Age: 57

Born: Aug. 7, 1950;

New York City

Career: host, “Alan Keyes Is Making Sense,” 2002; host, national radio show, 1994-2000; candidate for presidential nomination, 1996, 2000; columnist, 1991-1992; president, Citizens Against Government Waste, 1989-1992; resident scholar, American Enterprise Institute, 1987-89; U.S. representative to economic and social council, U.N., 1983-85; State Department official, 1978-83; 1985-88

Education: bachelor’s degree, Harvard, 1972; doctorate, Harvard, 1979

Family: wife, Jocelyn; children, Francis, Maya, Andrew



John McCain

Age: 71

Born: Aug. 29, 1936; Panama Canal Zone

Career: U.S. senator from Arizona, 1987-present; unsuccessful candidate for 2000 Republican presidential nomination; congressman from Arizona, 1983-87; director, Navy Senate Liaison Office, 1977-81; U.S. Navy, 1958-81 (Vietnam)

Education: bachelor’s degree, U.S. Naval Academy, 1958; attended, National War College, 1973-74

Family: wife, Cindy; children, Doug, Andrew, Sidney, Meghan, Jack, Jim, Bridget; divorced once




Ron Paul

Age: 72

Born: Aug. 20, 1935; Pittsburgh

Career: U.S. representative from Texas, 1976-77, 1979-85, 1997-present; practicing physician, 1968-96; Air Force flight surgeon, 1963-68

Education: bachelor’s degree, Gettysburg College, 1957; medical degree, Duke University School of Medicine, 1961

Family: wife, Carol; children, Ronnie, Lori, Rand, Robert, Joy



Mitt Romney

Age: 60

Born: March 12, 1947; Detroit

Career: governor, Massachusetts, 2003-07; president and chief executive, 2002 Salt Lake Winter Olympic Games organizing committee, 1999-2002; chief executive, Bain Capital, 1984-2001; chief executive, Bain & Co., 1991-2000; executive, Bain & Co., 1977-84; consultant, Boston Consulting Group, 1975-77

Education: bachelor’s degree, Brigham Young University, 1971; law degree and master’s in business administration, Harvard University, 1975

Family: wife, Ann; children, Benjamin, Craig, Joshua, Matthew, Taggart



Fred Thompson

Age: 65

Born: Aug. 19, 1942; Sheffield, Ala.

Career: U.S. senator from Tennessee, 1994-2003; practicing attorney, 1967-94; actor, 1985-2007; minority counsel, U.S. Senate Watergate Committee, 1973-74; assistant U.S. attorney, 1969-72

Education: bachelor’s degree, Memphis State University, 1964; law degree, Vanderbilt University, 1967


Family: wife, Jeri; children, Tony, Daniel, Hayden, Elizabeth (deceased); divorced once



(from Bulldog Edition, pg. B4):

Duncan Hunter

Age: 59

Born: May 31, 1948; Riverside

Career: congressman from Alpine, Calif., 1981-present; practicing attorney, 1976-80; U.S. Army, 1969-71 (Vietnam)

Education: bachelor’s and law degrees, Western State University, 1976

Family: wife, Lynne; children, Robert, Duncan



Sources: Almanac of American Politics; Who’s Who; Times research; candidate websites. Researched by Nona Yates / Los Angeles Times
