
Killer leads authorities to remains

From a Times Staff Writer

A software programmer convicted of killing his 31-year-old wife led investigators Monday to a body buried in the Oakland Hills, authorities said.

The remains have not been identified but may be those of Nina Reiser, missing since Sept. 3, 2006, and presumed dead.

Hans Reiser, 44, was convicted of Nina’s murder two months ago, though police had not located her body. The couple were in a divorce fight. Traces of her blood were found in his home and car.


Prior to his conviction, Reiser denied involvement in his wife’s disappearance. But on Monday, he brought detectives to a shallow grave on a wooded slope in Redwood Regional Park, said Richard Tamor, one of his attorneys.

Tamor indicated that Reiser, who has not been sentenced, may be seeking a deal. “He didn’t do this for nothing,” he said. His wife was last seen dropping off their children at his house.
