
Who cares what gas costs abroad?

Why do reporters and newscasters report how well off we are in the U.S. when it comes to filling up our gas tanks? (“In U.S., gas is cheap, relatively speaking,” Over a Barrel, July 10.)

Why do we care what they pay, or how does that impact me when I’m filling up my tank? Is that suppose to make me feel good? Tell that to the independent truck drivers who say they’ll be bankrupt at the end of the year.

Kitty O’Hare

Slatington, Pa.


The map and graph accompanying the “Over the Barrel” story should serve as a 2-by-4 to the heads of your readers. Americans remain in denial about crude oil production and consumption.


It would be nice for one honest politician to tell Americans that the era of cheap energy is over. Maybe then, like other addicts, we could enter rehabilitation before it is too late.

Gary Peters

Paso Robles
