
It’s all about Spector’s gun

Re “Legal fees sapping Spector’s fortune,” April 8

Instead of another puff piece on Phil Spector’s fame and fortune, how about questioning whether he is just another in a seemingly endless stream of unbalanced men who threaten women with guns?

If the five women who’ve stepped forward to testify against him had been more interested in the pursuit of justice back when Spector threatened them, he would have been in jail years ago.

In an exercise in obscurantism reminiscent of the O.J. debacle, Spector’s legal team has tried everything from questioning his driver’s ability to understand English to trotting out the obligatory blood-spatter experts.


What they have not done (aside from refusing to allow their “innocent” client to testify) is answer the most basic question of all: How did Phil Spector’s loaded gun get introduced into what was ostensibly a casual conversation over drinks?

Howard Bodner

