
He paid his dues

Re “The rapist in X-ray,”

Jan. 31

I’m afraid I don’t see the point of this article. Gariner Beasley committed a crime, was convicted and served his allotted time in prison. Following his release, he applied for a job and was hired -- while being completely open about his past.

He had no disciplinary problems while working as an X-ray technician, and he was promoted (again with full disclosure of his past crime and punishment).

In what way would denying Beasley employment have assisted in his rehabilitation?

Beasley should be commended for turning his life around. Instead, The Times appears to be applauding his firing, and L.A. County Supervisor Gloria Molina is calling the people who hired and promoted him “pinheads.” What’s wrong with this picture?


Morgan E. Stewart

San Diego
