
The mayor and the media

Re “Mayor is dating TV reporter,” June 2

When I saw the headline about the mayor dating a newsperson, I thought the budget cuts finally got to your editing staff and you mistakenly allowed an old story to be printed again.

To paraphrase a well-known quote: Making a mistake once is OK. Making the same mistake twice is not a sign of a wise person.

Ted Zachariadis

Los Angeles


It seems that Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa has an interest in female news reporters. Knowing that, and to prevent further conflict of interest or embarrassments, maybe it would be best to assign only male reporters to cover the mayor’s office.


Ron Tom



KTLA-Channel 5 reporter Lu Parker did a recent piece on the basic principles of self-defense for women. They incorporate all the basic rules: Use common sense, be aware of your surroundings and listen to your instincts.

It might be wise if Parker heeded her own advice.

Ken Craig

San Pedro
