
Her only choice is to just walk away

Dear Amy: I have been married for nearly 41 years.

From Day One, my husband decided it was OK to criticize my looks and every move I made. According to him, I have never done anything right in my entire life.

I am so sick and tired of the constant abuse. Nothing I do makes him slow down -- he just goes on and on. He doesn’t physically beat me, but emotionally he has beaten me down to nothing.

Our children are grown and gone, but we do have grandchildren who would be affected if we got a divorce.


And I really don’t want a divorce; I just want him to stop belittling me.

Any advice for me?


Dear Worthless: I realize that getting a divorce seems like a painful process, but given what you’re going through and what you say you have been through for the entirety of your marriage, leaving your husband will be the only thing to bring you peace.

You must realize by now that you simply cannot make someone change. You cannot make your husband stop belittling you.

If you can’t afford a place of your own, stay with a friend or family member for now.

Get counseling and legal advice.

Do not use your grandchildren as an excuse to stay in this abusive marriage.
