
Who are some of the worst workplace bullies? You’ll be surprised

Who knew? It’s almost time to celebrate Freedom From Workplace Bullies Week (Oct. 17 to 23), so start dialing back the ‘tude, dude.

Thirty-five percent of workers say they’ve been bullied and another 15% say they’ve witnessed bullying in the workplace, according to a 2010 Zogby International poll commissioned by the Workplace Bullying Institute. The findings also show that the majority of incidents involve same-gender harassment and that 45% of the targets reported some health-related problems.

The Chicago Tribune’s Julie Deardorff of Julie’s Health Club blog writes about one profession riddled with bullying and hostile behavior -- and a program that’s trying to head off abusive behaviors -- in “Help for nurses who ‘eat their young.’ ”


-- Mary Forgione / Los Angeles Times
