
New Year’s Day is auto thieves’ favorite holiday

Maybe auto thieves don’t drink as much as you do: New Year’s Day was the top holiday for vehicle thefts in 2013.

A new report from the National Insurance Crime Bureau says just over 700,000 vehicle thefts occurred last year, and that New Year’s Day was the No. 1 favorite for car thieves who work on holidays.

The NICB said 2,184 vehicles were stolen on New Year’s Day last year. Halloween was the second top vehicle theft holiday, with 1,998 vehicles stolen, and Memorial Day and Labor Day weren’t far behind, with 1,972 and 1,915 vehicles stolen, respectively. On Presidents Day, 1,894 cars were taken, making the holiday fifth on the list.


Valentine’s Day ranked seventh, sandwiched between Christmas Eve and Independence Day.

For now, U.S. vehicle owners may be allowed to relax somewhat. Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day were the holidays when car thieves were least likely to strike, with 1,353 vehicles disappearing on the last Thursday in November and 1,244 vehicles slipping away in time to miss Santa.

“Perhaps thieves ate too much turkey on Thanksgiving and Christmas,” the NICB said in a press release accompanying the scientific study.

For reasons the NICB did not explain, the No. 1 one most popular day for stealing a car in America last year was Aug. 12, when 2,316 vehicles were swiped.


Earlier this year the NICB reported that the most stolen vehicle for 2013 was the Honda Accord, with the Honda Civic close behind.

Twitter: @misterfleming
