Foss Maritime is producing the world’s first hybrid tugboat, shown in Rainier, Ore. The vessel, which will be based for five years in the ports of Long Beach and Los Angeles, consumes less diesel and generates less pollution by using batteries for all of its low-power needs. (Benjamin Reed / For The Times)
A Foss Maritime employee applies a compound to protect the tugboat’s steel from rust. (Benjamin Reed / For The Times)
A Canadian engineering firm designed a way to run the tugboat’s diesel engine and the electrical motor generator through the same drive shaft. (Benjamin Reed / For The Times)
A portion of the hybrid tugboat’s switchboard awaits installation. (Benjamin Reed / For The Times)
The hybrid systems modular design would enable most existing tugboats to switch to the diesel-battery setup through a retrofit. Foss hopes that will be a key selling point. (Benjamin Reed / For The Times)
Foss Maritime’s hybrid tugboat, shown in drydock in Rainier, Ore., is one of many technologies ports are looking at to become more environmentally friendly. (Benjamin Reed / For The Times)