
Twitter, American Express team up for #TweetPurchases

Welcome to 2013, where e-commerce purchases can be made in 140 characters or less.

A new partnership between Twitter and American Express now lets eligible users make purchases using special hashtags.

The two companies said users can go to a special page to sync their American Express cards and Twitter accounts to begin buying items from online stores such as, Sony, Microsoft and Urban Zen starting Wednesday.

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The @AmericanExpress Twitter account will announce the special hashtags for a number of purchasable items, including an Amazon Kindle Fire HD tablet, Wednesday. Users who are eager to try the feature, however, can tweet #BuyAmexGiftCard25 to receive a $25 gift card for $15 -- if they have already synced their card and Twitter account.


After users tweet one of the special hashtags, @AmexSync will tweet back at the users with a special confirmation hashtag. Users must then tweet the confirmation hashtag within 15 minutes to finalize the purchase.

Products are then shipped to users’ billing address with two-day shipping. #Neat.


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