
Wilshire Grand through the years

1950: Builders break ground July 5 on the Hotel Statler, which opens Aug. 6, 1952.

1954: Hilton Hotels buys the Statler hotel chain. Building is renamed Statler Hilton.

1968: $2.5-million renovation completed in November. Building is renamed Los Angeles Hilton.

1989: Korean Air buys the property for $168 million. Name changes to Omni Los Angeles in 1995.

1999: Name changes to Wilshire Grand Hotel.

2011: Hotel closes in December.

2012: Hotel holds liquidation sale. Demolition begins Sept. 24.

2013: Demolition is to be completed in summer. Construction is to begin in August.

2013: Crews start pouring concrete for foundation in November.

2014: Construction of steel framework begins in April.

2015: Tower reaches its height in August.

2017: New Wilshire Grand opens in January.

All future dates are estimated by Turner Construction Co.

Sources: L.A. Times, Turner Construction Co., Cerrell Associates
