
Need a jolt? Death Wish Coffee promises a kick in the pants

Sure, you can order up a tall, no-foam, low-fat, soy-chai latte at Starbucks. Or you can have a cup of Death Wish Coffee.

The brew bills itself as “the world’s strongest coffee,” and it certainly delivers a caffeine kick in the teeth.

Your basic, run-of-the-mill, have-some-quiche cup of coffee contains about 320 milligrams of caffeine, according to the American Beverage Assn. A 16-ounce shot of Death Wish hits you with roughly 660 milligrams.


As the company’s website so eloquently puts it: “Death Wish Coffee is the most highly caffeinated premium dark roast organic coffee in the world. This is extreme coffee, not for the weak. Consider yourself warned.”

The company is so sure a caffeine-craving world will be pleased with its java, it says it will buy back your Death Wish if you can find anything stronger. Death Wish costs about $20 a pound, or twice the price of wussier blends.

On the other hand, if you’re the sort of person who need this much jet propulsion, maybe you need to think about other things in your life, such as how much sleep you’re getting.


At least no one can accuse the company of misleading the public. With a name like Death Wish, you know just what you’re getting.


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