
Comic: Tienes boundaries?

Illustration of a man sitting and standing, smiling woman
(Julio Salgado / For De Los )

Navigating gay dating apps while setting boundaries with roommate Mexican mom.

Julio Salgado (@juliosalgado83) is a digital illustrator based in Long Beach.

To support my sister during her dialysis treatment, my mother, sister and I moved in together two years ago
I love my family, but living with them again has made my dating life...interesting
Knock Knock. Come in.
Hola mijo. Just came back from therapy. Holis! How did it go.
We talked about boundaries. Even though we are your sister's caretakers we also have to set boundaries with her.
Don't even get me started on boundaries with your father. You don't have to share everything with me, ma.
That's my boundary with you. I supposed that's fair mijo.
If you ever want to invite a nice man over, you just let me and your sister know and poof. Ama!! boundaries!
Ay no exageres! I'm a modern mujer!
A closeted mexican? Not a bad line to use next time I'm not interested in someone on this app.