
Feedback: Gary Hart and tabloid politics, midterm media, Grinch socialism and a Hanson flashback

Regarding the review for the movie “The Front Runner,” “When Politics Turned Tabloid” [Nov. 6]: Most apt, to release “The Front Runner” on election day. This film’s portrayal of presidential candidate Gary Hart’s ill-fated campaign indeed should prompt concern over “the increased role tabloid journalism has taken in our political discourse,” as Kenneth Turan put it.

My hope, perhaps unrealistic, is that this film prods viewing masses to prefer insightful, fact-based reporting over tabloid trash.

Nancy A. Stone

Santa Monica


What happened to presidential candidate Gary Hart in 1987 was bad enough. But his story illuminates how the tabloid-ization of politics devolved even further, into reality show-ization. This tawdry trend surely bodes ill for democracy.


Would that millions of Americans flock to see “The Front Runner” — and then reflect long and hard on how critical thinking has become ever rarer in our political realm.

Edward Alston

Santa Maria

Can we all cut the hyperbole?

Regarding “A Different Day, Same Spectacle,” [Nov. 8], Lorraine Ali’s essay about President Trump’s press conference and late-night show coverage of the midterms: The noise about politics is becoming scary. I am not prone to hyperbole, but I am getting scared that something will set off a scenario that could start a real war in this country.

It can happen, and has happened before when the divide is so vast between left and right; Protestant and Catholic; Sunni and Shia, in modern history.


Inflammatory rhetoric does hasten crazy actions. The quotes from politicians and late-night TV hosts hasten crazy, and Trump can hasten crazy.

What should we do? I am a concerned, mostly conservative white guy who thinks sanity needs to be restored.

Terry Williams


Just now heard of FilmStruck

I consider myself to be a movie buff, but I had never heard of the FilmStruck streaming service until The Times announced it was being shut down [“Film Fans Are Struck for a Loss,” Nov. 11]. They say there were not enough subscribers to continue the service, but if I had known it existed I would have subscribed. Perhaps there were others. The service was certainly not well publicized.


William Bergfeldt


Once a fan, you are always a fan

I enjoyed reading Amy Kaufman’s article on seeing Hanson [“Their Teen Dreams Made Real,” Nov. 11]. Her honesty with emotions is very refreshing to read, and I can totally relate. However, I am not honest enough to list the “bands” I would like to see again now that I am 54-years-old.

I have often wondered the thoughts of music critics when they review bands that were important to their youth, other then famous bands like the Rolling Stones and the Beatles.

Glenn Garry

Newbury Park

A bad time to use a fire photo

Am I the only one to find your half page photo in showing an artist, Bryan Blaze, exhaling massive flames [“Extra Play: Evermore Resets the Theme Park With an Interactive, Theatrical Pivot,” Nov. 11], to be rather insensitive and bordering on poor taste?

As wildfires of historic size and devastation ravage the city and homes of your readership (see front page of same edition), perhaps a huge picture of a flame-breathing artist is not what shell-shocked readers want to see when they turn to the entertainment section for relief from their nightmare?

Danny Mann

Los Angeles


Is it really possible that after the horrendous fires enveloping our communities this week you could allow a fire “trick” to be illustrated front and center in the local newspaper?

I was horrified to see this image on the front page of the Calendar with the destruction of the wildfires on Page 1.


Dorothy Goulah

Sherman Oaks

Editor’s note: Sunday Calendar goes to press on Wednesday evening. The section was printed before the wildfires began.

A wonderful photo

Regarding “Spreading Her Wings” [Nov. 5]: I think Kent Nishimura’s photograph of Misty Copeland is stunning.

Jenny Cole


This would be a timely production

I commend the students at California Lutheran University for appealing a decision to delay or cancel their production of “columbinus” [“Play’s Cast at College Plans Appeal,” Nov. 10] following the Thousand Oaks mass shooting.

If not now, when is the time to stage this timely work? Killings like those in Thousand Oaks will undoubtedly continue given the lack of firearms control and an unhinged gun culture.

Rather than submit to self-censorship or political correctness, the administration and faculty should recognize this as the urgent “teachable moment” that it is, when a university and the public can unify to influence positive change.

Isn’t that what education and the arts are supposed to be about?

Robert Myers

Lake Arrowhead

It’s not just about the zombies

I questioned whether Meredith Blake’s article [“C’mon, Walking Dead. Really?” Nov. 7] was talking about the same popular series, “The Walking Dead,” that I watch every week. Then I realized that she just doesn’t get it.


It isn’t easy to engage a 68-year-old person in any TV show, let alone one about zombies. Yet from the first episode I was hooked. This show is popular because of the writing and the characters. The episodes are not just about Rick and his group running around and killing zombies.

It’s about people trying to survive day to day while keeping values that make them human. This series lasted nine-plus years because those of us who watch it are invested in the story lines and characters.

Joyce Jacoby

Los Angeles

Review’s lesson in economics

Katie Walsh’s review of “The Grinch” [“The Christmas Thief Is Back,” Nov. 9] had the line: “The real S-word that could solve these problems isn’t Santa, it’s socialism.” That made me laugh out loud. And cry. Also, post the line all over social media. It’s an early holiday gift. I’ll be looking out for Walsh’s reviews because I am hoping there will be more sharp commentary that rises above.

Frank Kosa

Santa Monica

This Beatles fan keeps listening

Thanks for the great piece on the “White Album” [“Beatles Unleashed,” Nov. 4]. I am one of the multitude of Beatles fans.

Blaze Kistler

El Dorado Hills

[email protected]
