
Critic’s Pick:  Don’t put off ‘Tomorrow’ and Tom Cruise

Watching the very entertaining sci-fi thriller “Edge of Tomorrow,” with its “Groundhog Day” rewind-replay conceit applied to a space alien invasion rather than romance, I was reminded of how good Tom Cruise can be in the right role. For an A-list actor with steady work in big-budget projects, Cruise hasn’t fallen on hard times exactly. But breakout hits have been hard to come by as the 52-year-old has gotten deeper into middle age. The last truly good Cruise movie was 2011’s “Mission: Impossible — Ghost Protocol,” and the off years have clearly taken a toll. Though critics embraced “Edge”— and indeed its smart, wry, tightly coiled action makes for a great ride — audiences aren’t flocking to see it. If you’ve been resisting, reconsider. Cruise’s Lt. Col. Cage is right in the actor’s wheelhouse: an ideal blend of arrogant bravado and self-deprecating wit as a military marketing specialist trying to avoid the frontlines. Co-star Emily Blunt’s headstrong warrior is a good counterpoint, willing to kill him day after day until he gets it right. Cruise has gotten it right in “Edge.” Hopefully, like Cage, he’ll remember why.
