
New ‘Terminator,’ possibly with Schwarzenegger, coming in June ’15

Today is June 27, which means that it will be exactly two years (minus one day) before a new “Terminator” movie comes out. At least that’s the countdown we can begin this afternoon, after Paramount announced a date for the reboot of the franchise as June 26, 2015.

The studio made its involvement official after months of reports that it was aboard to produce and release the film.

Over the past 29 years, four “Terminator” films had been created, along with legal drama that was almost as bloody. After all the legal hurdles were cleared several years ago, producer-financier Megan Ellison stepped in to acquire the rights, soon joined by brother and fellow produce-financier David Ellison, who has a deal with Paramount.


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Paramount didn’t confirm Arnold Schwarzenegger’s place in the reboot, but it’s expected in Hollywood circles that he’ll have a role of some kind. Laeta Kalogridis (“Shutter Island”) and Patrick Lussier are writing the script for the new film.

As for the period that “Terminator 5” will hit, break out the calculators. There are a lot of numbers attached to the movies for the month that follow: They include “Independence Day 2,” Pirates of the Caribbean 5” and “The Smurfs 3.”



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