
Suzanne Somers calls Obamacare ‘Ponzi scheme’ in error-ridden article

TV star Suzanne Somers is calling Obamacare a socialist "Ponzi scheme."
TV star Suzanne Somers is calling Obamacare a socialist “Ponzi scheme.”
(Kevin Winter/AFP Getty )

Now that Suzanne Somers has your attention with claims about all the sex she’s having, the former “Three’s Company” star-turned-longevity-expert has turned her attention to Obamacare. And she doesn’t like what she sees.

“Boomers are smart,” Somers wrote in a Monday opinion piece for the online version of the Wall Street Journal. “They see the train wreck coming… most I speak with think the Affordable Care Act is a greater Ponzi scheme than that pulled off by Bernie Madoff.” The Journal is owned by News Corp., the conglomerate controlled by billionaire Rupert Murdoch, who also owns Fox News Channel.

The former Thighmaster queen argues that the new health plan — which has been plagued by tech problems in its rollout — is a socialist scheme that will actually raise many people’s premiums and stir privacy concerns.


PHOTOS: Celebrities by The Times

She’s not the only person to have made those arguments, but Somers may have needed to do a bit more research. Journal editors subsquently corrected three errors in her piece — a high number for an article of fewer than 600 words.

“An earlier version of this post contained a quotation attributed to Lenin (‘Socialized medicine is the keystone to the arch of the socialist state’) that has been widely disputed,” the Journal wrote in an addendum to the original piece. “And it included a quotation attributed to Churchill (‘Control your citizens’ health care and you control your citizens’) that the Journal has been unable to confirm.”


That wasn’t all. Somers pointed to a Canadian magazine article that criticized that country’s nationalized health care system by arguing that animals could get better care than human beings. But in her original post, Somers mistakenly recalled which animal was pictured on the cover: It was a dog, not a horse.

On the set: movies and TV

Many readers weren’t kind. “Shouldn’t this be filed under humor?,” one commenter wrote.

Journal editors don’t seem to think so. Somers is part of a panel of writers the news outlet calls The Experts, described as “an exclusive group of industry, academic and cultural thought leaders who weigh in on the latest debates.”


What do you think of Somers’ and her latest work?


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