
Packing your kid off to college? Here’s a reality-check checklist

Listen up class of 2020, Economics 101 starts here.

If Roommate A brings an SUV filled with dorm supplies to school this fall, and Roommate B unloads the same, will everything fit into 228 sq. ft. of shared living space?

More important: Is it all really necessary?

Each year, right around this time, dorm room checklists are sprung on parents and their college-bound children. They are supposedly designed to inspire organization and peace of mind, but they can lead to excess spending fueled by excitement and fear of the unknown.

In a casual survey of parents and students who have been-there, bought-that, including responses from the online community at College Confidential, we’ve assembled a list of items students found most useful in freshman dorm rooms — and those they didn’t.


Sally Rubenstone, senior advisor for College Confidential and mom to a rising college sophomore said, “My mantra is to pack, ship or bring as little as possible … and then Amazon Prime, with free membership for students for six months, can fill in the gaps along with … trips to the nearest Target or Wal-Mart. Free college shuttle vans or Uber make these junkets a snap in all but the most remote places.”

Collegiate caveat: Obviously, no two freshmen are alike. For every 10 (20?) students who shun the iron, there is one snappy dresser who can’t live without it

As in all things, to thine own self be true.

Bring It!

Mattress topper (A memory foam or egg-crate style mattress topper was consistently named as a favorite. Splurge on sleep.)


Freshwave odor eliminating gel

Extra long twin sheet set (Consider two sets.)

Trash can

Laundry basket/bag

Command Hooks/adhesive strips (Buy early, they have been known to sell out.)

Plastic, drawer-style bins

Sturdy shoe rack (Not everyone will need a sturdy, vertical shoe organizer. You know who you are.)

Space saving hangers (Ultra-slim design with a flocked finish.)

Set of towels (No one said they have to be new.)

Shower caddy

Desk lamp

Headphones/ear buds

Electric tea kettle

Power strips

Double-sided tape

Inexpensive plates, bowls, silverware, plus a bottle of dish soap.

Mini-fridge (Admittedly, a luxury. Coordinate with roomie.)

Water pitcher (Handy inside a mini-fridge. Fancy pitcher optional. Ask yourself, will they really change the filter?)


Skip it!

Be aware, move-in day will be remembered as a blur and things put away by Mom with good intentions run the risk of being forgotten. Include students in the process, and unpack your patience.

Cordless dust buster (Wishful thinking.)

Iron and board (Unless activities or personal style dictate otherwise, an iron can usually be borrowed for the rare, wrinkle-free occasion.)

Too many bins (Yes, there can be too much of a good thing.)

Throw pillows (Ditch ‘em.)

Copious cleaning supplies (Antibacterial wipes, maybe. More than that …)

Alarm clock (Think cellphone.)

Throw rug (Otherwise known as a magnet for hair and dirt. Consider slippers.)

First aid and cold medicine (Wild card purchase. Many kids completely forgot about the stash, while others used it to full advantage.)

TV (Instead: Netflix on a laptop)

Tool kit (Except for what you might need on move-in day, nix the kit.)
