Hollywood Hits and Misses: Winter 2011
If you picked
There may have been some early enthusiasm for
--Patrick Kevin Day (Mark Ralston / AFP/Getty Images)
Pop stars
Sorry, Beliebers. Your beloved teen heartthrob Justin lost out to the considerably lesser-known jazz vocalist and bassist. Grow up, get over it, and leave Spalding’s Wikipedia page alone.
-- Whitney Friedlander (Gabriel Bouys / AFP/Getty Images)
God created man. Man created Watson. Watson went on to crush man on the TV
A March 2011 NEA study showed that fewer young blacks and Latinos are attending art events. Is this because childhood arts education is slipping from public school classrooms? Is it because those who are fans of the arts aren’t as diverse in their arts love and may only stick to one genre, such as just going to the theater? In any case, it’s a troubling development.
-- Whitney Friedlander (Lori Shepler / Los Angeles Times)
Reality TV starlet
Though he at first contended that the negatives he bought at a Fresno garage sale were taken by
-- Lora Victorio (Lawrence K. Ho / Los Angeles Times)