
Proposition 91

Times recommendation: No ().

What it would do: Proposition 91 would prohibit sales taxes on gasoline from being used for any purpose other than transportation, even in fiscal emergencies.

How it would change current law: It would make a marginal change to current law. As it now stands, Californians pay state and federal excise taxes at the gas pump, and all that money is earmarked for transportation. Beginning in the Gray Davis administration, the 7.5 percent state sales tax, which formerly went into the general fund, also was earmarked for transportation. Voters ratified that move in 2002 by passing Proposition 42. But that measure allowed the sales tax money to move back into the general fund in the event of a fiscal emergency. Voters responded in 2006 with Proposition 1A, which narrows the loophole by requiring any money “borrowed” from sales taxes on gasoline because of a fiscal emergency to be repaid to the transportation fund, with interest, within three years. Proposition 91 would eliminate even that escape clause and permanently remove sales taxes on gasoline as an option for balancing the budget.

Who supports it: Southern California Transit Advocates ( There is no official campaign in favor of the measure.


Who opposes it: Opponents include the same transportation advocates who put it on the ballot. They turned against their measure after Proposition 1A passed.

Campaign expenditures for Proposition 91: $0

Campaign expenditures against Proposition 91: Click here.

Text of proposed law: Click here (PDF)


Official summary: Click here

Analysis by the Legislative Analyst: Click here

Official arguments and rebuttals: Click here
