
Dust-Up: Campaign finance reloaded

Former FEC Commissioner Bradley Smith and Brookings Institution fellow Thomas Mann debate the future of campaign finance reform.

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  • 1

    Did the Supreme Court go too far or not far enough in the Wisconsin Right to Life decision? All this week, Bradley Smith and Thomas E. Mann debate the future of campaign finance reform.

  • 2

    Does the Supreme Court’s recent Wisconsin Right to Life decision signal the end of all campaign finance reform laws? All this week Bradley Smith and Thomas Mann debate the future of campaign finance reform.

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    Are there campaign finance reform methods that are not vulnerable to 1st Amendment challenges? All this week Bradley Smith and Thomas E. Mann debate the future of campaign finance reform.

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    Are matching funds ever going to work at the federal level? Can they succeed at the state and local levels? All this week Bradley Smith and Thomas E. Mann debate the future of campaign finance reform.

  • 5

    Is money in politics a problem at all, or is unregulated spending the most effective way to ensure citizens have the power to speak to their government? Bradley Smith and Thomas Mann conclude their debate on the future of campaign finance reform.
